Neck Pain treatment IN IDAHO FALLS

Neck Pain Treatment​

Neck Pain Treatment

Physical therapy is an effective treatment for neck pain caused by injury, muscle strain, aging, and other health conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis. The main goals of physical therapy are to reduce pain and stiffness and increase head and neck range of motion.

Effective Neck Pain Treatment

Effective Neck Pain Treatment

Neck Pain Treatment From Empower PT

To effectively address neck pain, it’s critical to first determine the source of the pain. Our experienced therapists analyze your history and perform a thorough physical examination to identify the source of your neck pain and craft a personalized treatment plan that will assist you in regaining normal neck function.

The treatments vary depending on your situation, but we generally prescribe manual therapy, joint mobilization/manipulation, modalities like heat therapy, and exercises and stretches. Additionally, we educate you on the lifestyle modifications you need to adopt to prevent the pain from recurring.

Don’t let neck pain take over your life. Contact Empower PT and let’s get you on the road toward long-term pain relief.

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Our Service Process

Here is our simple service process:

  • Initial assessment
  • Treatment plan discussion
  • Treatment plan implementation
  • Progres review

The Benefits of Working With Empower PT

Concussion management

Experienced Therapists

Our therapists have the best orthopedic and musculoskeletal specialty training for neck pain management to help you find long-lasting relief and increased functionality.

Dedicated Therapist Care

Your therapist will walk with you through all your sessions to ensure you get the specialized care you need to address your neck pain.

Quick Appointment Availability

We value your time and trust. And that’s why we make it our priority to book you an appointment shortly after you contact us.

If you feel physical therapy can benefit you, contact our friendly therapists at Empower PT to learn how you can get started.

Neck Pain FAQs

Several studies have shown that physical therapy is a better treatment than surgery or pain medication for many types of neck pain cases.

The duration varies depending on the individual’s condition, but most patients experience significant relief after 2 – 6 weeks.

The number of sessions varies from one patient to another. However, you can expect your therapist to prescribe approximately 4 – 6 sessions over a 3 – 6 week period.